Next Up: Sanctuary City by Martyna Majok
Mar 21 - Apr 6, 2025
A friendship forged in childhood. A love tested by time. A future waiting to be claimed.
G and B have been each other’s safe haven for years. In an unpredictable world, they navigate adolescence with late-night talks, shared dreams, and unconditional care. But when an opportunity arises that could change everything, their loyalty is tested as they come face-to-face with what they truly mean to each other—and what they’re willing to sacrifice for the people they love most in the world.
From Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Martyna Majok, Sanctuary City is an unforgettable coming of age story that examines love in all its forms - friendship, romance, devotion, and the fierce fight to hold on to the people and places that feel like home.
The Kav’s
45th Anniversary Season

one of buffalo’s most beautiful theaters…

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Our Sponsors
Our Donors
D’Youville College
Dr. Julia Piquette
The Shubert Foundation
Scott Bieler Family Foundation
The Cullen Foundation
Erie County
M&T Bank
The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
The Peter & Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation
Rita Antolena -
($1,000 - $4,999)
Dr. Robert & Frima Ackerhalt* Kathleen Anderson
Michael & Barbara Arnold*
John & Carol Brenon*
Denise Cahill*
Barbara J. Campagna*
Victoria Christopher*
Elisabeth Bommer-Connors*
Diana Coyne*
John Dandes*
Tony & Kathy Diina*
Dr. Robert L. Farkas*
Barbara A. Mellerski-Farkas*
Neil E. Garvey Foundation for the Arts*
Aimee Gomlak*
Thomas Hanifin
John & Jane Kearns*
John Leberman*
Dr. Richard J. Lee*
Jane Licata*
Elsie P. & Lucius B. McCowan Foundation
Lettia Milito*
Fr. Robert Mock*
Ann More*
Sandra G. Morrison
Michelene Murphy*
Jerry & Terrie Newman*
Steve Nicolais & Lorrie Clemo*
Dr. Michael Noe*
Loraine O'Donnell*
Laurie Pawlak*
Anne Schneider
Stuart & Caren Shapiro*
Mimi Steadman*
Judith & Peter Travers*
Donald Will
Edward & Caryn Wojtowicz**denotes donors to our “Take-A-Seat” campaign
($500 - $999)
John Amershadian*
Anthony Chase & Javier Bustillos*
Dr. Monica G. Choi*
Howard & Andrea Faden*
Patricia Frey*
Jeffrey Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Gondree*
Carol Golder
James Grunebaum
Peter Hall*
Ana M. Hurd
Arun K. Jain*
Carlos Jones*
Shirley Joy*
Linda Kingsbury
Robert & Barbara Klocke*
David Lundy*
Rev. Robert Mock*
Jerry & Terrie Newman*
Albert Olszowka
David & Dolores Prezyna*
Linda Roberts
Alice P. Russ*
Shirley Sampson*
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Stoddart
Nancy Sullivan*
Amanda Wallis*
Darlene Warnica*
Cathy Zgoda*
Rita Zientek**denotes donors to our “Take-A-Seat” campaign
($250 - $499)
James Beardsley
David & Maureen Bluett
Pam Boehler*
Donna Bristol*
Larry & Marie Cobado*
Phil Ciallela*
James & Mary Fran Derby
William & Elizabeth Duzen
Edward Eardley
The Farwell Family
Tom & Lisa Furlani
Edwin Hart
Margot Ip
Stephanie Lisiecki*
Phyllis Margrey*
Roger Paolini*
Rosalie Riforgiato*
Mr & Mrs. Robert Shappee Philanthropic Fund
Patricia Spector
Mr & Mrs. Roger Simon*
Linda Stark
Wayne & Janet Wisbaum*denotes donors to our “Take-A-Seat” campaign
($100 - $249)
Diane Arnone
Barbara Baird
Deborah Benish
Joan Bozer
Lincoln & Mildred Blaisdell
Marilyn Ciancio
In memory of Elizabeth Clark
Bernard Cryan
Joseph Dimatteo
Marguerite Drinnan
Jean Edgcomb
Bonnie Evert
Stuart Gellman
Connie Gerbush
Howard & Lillian Gondree
Kenneth Greulich
Joan Gruen
Elenora Heffner
Dr. Paul & Noreen Johnson
Paul Jones
Carol Kociela
Jon Kraus
Ronald & Donna Leiser
Barbara Libby
Sheila London
David Lundy
Jo Ann Mecca
Alicia Meyers
Sandra Morrison
Michael Murphy
Louanne Pearson
Sarah Phelps
Sarah Pictor
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Reed
Marie Robillard
Stephen and Geraldine Ronsen
Shirley A. Sampson
Roger & Joan Simon
Richard Thompson
Christine Vernon
Darlene Warnica
Lynn Kozlowski & Kate Wagner -
(any gift up to $99)
Patricia Balcerzak
Judith Basinski
Robert Battaglin
Sandra Berger
Marjorie Blondell
Franklin Bossler
Bonnie Botsford
Cynthia Boyd
David E. Brand
Julie Bukowski
Joy Burdzy
Christopher Butler
Nina Caffarelli
Marcia Conny
Nanette Contino
Margo Davis
Maria Delaney
Marian & Edward Deutschman
Josie DiVensenso
Nuala Drescher
Joseph & Laurie Enright Jr
Bonnie Evert
Sarah Fallon
Martina Fern
Thomas Flanagan
Lynne Kurdziel Formato
Patrick Frank
Edward Gloss
Kathryn Glovack
Charles Golightly
Peter Grace
Germain Graves
Kenneth Greulich
Sharon Grogan
Stephen Henderson
Malynda Irby
Shirley Joy
Richard Keffer
David Kelly
Diane Kleinfelder
Barbara Kuvshinoff
Patricia Lalonde
Courtland Lavallee
Carmella Losi
Ronald Malec
Edward Mallia
Sandra Mccarthy
John Melithoniotes
David Meyer
Karen Miller
Paul Moloney
Rosemary Murphy
William & Elizabeth Murphy
Kelly Natale
Jennifer Notar
Nora Obrien-Suric
Michael Olfano
Ilze Padegs
Paul Pascucci
Sarah Phelps
David Phillips
Patricia Polowy
Walter Przybyl
Joanne Puccio
Lebert & Kay Puma
Jean & Lauren Rachlin
Dianne Rubin
Ronald Somogyi
Anthony Spina
Dawn Spink
Jim & Roni Starr
Lori Stilwell
Thomas Summerill
Mildred Sweeney
Paul Sweeny
Joan Taggart
Tom Thacher
Nancy Vanderlinde
Juli Van Woert
Annette Wall
Mary K. Williams
Laura Yellen